What do I say or give to a group of people who have given so much back to MyGolfSpy.  That's exactly what I was thinking yesterday.  For those that don't know what the hell I'm talking about, I am referring to one of our most loyal readers RP Jacobs and the group that put together the most recent golf outing,  "The MyGolfSpy Vancouver Open".


When I opened my inbox yesterday I was somewhat taken back by what I saw.  It's not the first time this has happened, that is for sure.  RP I know you don't really want people to know what you have done for MGS, so I won't say it publicly.  But I am going to say that I truly appreciate not only what you do for us but what you are going through. For those that don't know, RP is going through one hell of an ordeal health wise right now and yet still he is our #1 supporter.

I can't thank you enough for what you do RP.  I want you to know that we cherish your support. Should you ever need us in any way, please don't hesitate to call on us.

MGS Vancouver Open Crew

And to the group of guys and the lady that all help put together the "MGS Vancouver Open", I just want to convey my heartiest thanks to you for the amazing golf outing you put on from hundreds of miles away. It was amazing to watch.  The amount of time and effort that went in to this was incredible.  I am truly touched by what you all did.  We are indeed lucky to have readers like yourselves.

Thanks can’t convey the gratitude I feel for all the hard work you all did.

Thanks for everything,
GolfSpy X